Tuesday, August 21, 2007

all play and no work :)

My weekend was awesome. It started out Friday after work my boss and his wife picked us up to go to Beef and Boards to see "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" It was pretty good, not great but ok. The guy that played the sheriff Ed Earl was really funny he just made the show. He kept us laughing. When we got home it was about 10pm so me and Dave ended up watching "An Inconvenient truth: Global Warming" this is Al Gore's movie which is really interesting. If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it.

And then Saturday of course was Jester Fest. Now that was a great time. Pete, Rhonda, Ryan, Allison, Matt, Liz, and Jackie all came over to our house before the show. We all sat around and chatted and drank a couple beers before we left to go to German Park.


This came from Ryan, Once we received a Easter Card with Ryan wearing bunny ears and holding a peep and it said "Happy Easter" and STP. Which I had no clue what that meant. So I finally found out, it means: Start the Party.

When we arrived at German Park there was a band called The Elect playing I guess they've been around awhile, they sounded pretty good. I ran into quite a few people I didn't expect to see. Then Acoustic Flyer played the grateful dead which was so much fun ecspecially since I love Grateful Dead music. And then Ekoostik Hookah played .............. SO AWESOME ............ THEY ROCK ........... All around it was a great show with wonderful friends.

I love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A few drunken photos for fun:

Oh yeah, I've gotta tell you about me and Ryans bubble adventure, you see they had this huge bubble thingy set up, which looked like way too much fun. I had already been talking to a couple of girls about how much fun it looked and I'd love to go get in it. Then Ryan decides he wants to know who's going in with him, it was my opportunity so I jumped on it and I don't think Ryan really expected me to. But we were real troopers and took off on a mission.

Needless to say we were soaked from our waists down, thank god we dried out before the end of the night. I don't think either one of us thought it would be that wet.

Oh yeah Allison is so slick, she got us all to go and hang out with John Mullins ;) which was sooooooooo awesome. I wish I would have had my camera at that time. Me and Dave were ready to go and I mentioned to Allison we were ready and she was like uh wait a minute were going to John's car so he can get a drink ;) and told me to come on. So we did. We ended up hanging out with him at his car for probably 20 minutes or so. That was soooooo cool. I sorta had a hard time understanding him. I wonder if he was drunk or if it was just me but he's a really funny guy and so laid back. I so enjoyed his hula hooping also. hehehe

And now I saved the best pic for last:


I love this pic............

I'll fill you all in on details later..................

Friday, August 17, 2007

busy weekend...

I'm looking forward to it. First off I'm so stinkin glad it's friday. This week has been really long. ugh!! So tonight I'm off to Beef "n" Boards to see Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. My boss is taking me, isn't that cool. Oh he's taking hubby too. And then tomorrow friends are coming over before the Jester Fest. And we'll be spending the rest of the evening at German Park, dancing and drinking and having a good ol' time. I'm really excited cuz my best friend Renee is going.
It does suck that I will miss Ryanne's competition at the state fair, it doesn't start until 4:30pm and we'll be going by then. But I've got arrangements for her and Aerial both for Saturday. So it's all good.

"I'm off to enjoy my weekend, I'll fill you in on Monday"

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out.

I've been really stressed out lately about work. I am trying to get this position in the same building as my current job, as the Assistant to the Director of Restorative Dentistry. (God that title sounds good) This is a salary position so I have talked to a few of the faculty members and things seem pretty good. I don't want to get my hopes up too high due to the fact I have very little supervision experience and that kinda worries me. The position is supervisor to numerous positions so we'll see how it goes. I think my boss really doesn't want me to get it, which I can't blame him because I pretty much run the department I currently work in and it will be very tough on him if I leave it. But I also know he would be very supportive of me and give me a good recommendation, I would expect no less, seeings as he's an alcoholic and I've covered for him numerous times. But thats a whole nother story in itself. I just feel I need a new challenge as far as work is concerned, I have been in this same position for over 10yrs. and I'm ready for a change. It's scary though. It's funny because so far this week I've been really dressing professional for work and the people that see me are curious I know, it's not normal for me to dress up. I've gotten a ton of compliments, which you can never get too many. Heeeheee, I actually am enjoying it.

On another note:
Happy Wednesday!!
Everything seems to be moving along well. The girls are willingly, for now, getting up in the morning and going to school, mind you it's only the 3rd day back, but life is good. I'm glad school is back in session, I enjoy the routine much better.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Follow the grain in your own wood!!

I have been going on and on about Ekoostik Hookah this morning, I am so excited for next weekend(Jester Fest). And only 22 days til Hookahville.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I'm so proud of myself.....

As I have already said losing weight is not an easy task. I went to weight watchers last night and was really happy to see that I have lost another 6.6lbs. I am now down 18.6lbs. Only another 1.4 to get to a 20 pound loss. Hell Yeah!!!!!!!!! I am really starting to be able to tell in my clothing now. All of my jeans are tooo big.

The kids start school next week, I'm looking forward to it. They are absolutely driving me nuts. I'm ready for us to get back on the school routine things always seem to go much smoother when they are in school.

Friday, August 3, 2007


So I have this nasty fungus on my toenail or under it I might say. I went to the doctor this morning to see what they could do about it and dangit they want me to go to a Podiatrist. I now have to wait til the doctor refers me and they will call. If anyone has any suggestions on what I could do to get rid of it I am open to advice. They said the podiatrist may want to burn my toenail off to get rid of it and if they do that my toenail will never grow back :( Don't think I want to do that.
On a good note while at the doctor I got weighed and I am down 4.5 more lbs. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Morgan County Fair

Junior Varsity Cheerleading had no one to compete against therefore they automatically won. They did pretty good I must say. My sister and neice showed up with Jade (great nephew) he is 5 months old and absolutely adorable. I just love babies, such a shame they grow up. heehee!!!!!
Aerial is doing great with her new job, she started working at Rally's a week ago and actually seems to like it, somewhat. I really hope she sticks with it.