Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out.

I've been really stressed out lately about work. I am trying to get this position in the same building as my current job, as the Assistant to the Director of Restorative Dentistry. (God that title sounds good) This is a salary position so I have talked to a few of the faculty members and things seem pretty good. I don't want to get my hopes up too high due to the fact I have very little supervision experience and that kinda worries me. The position is supervisor to numerous positions so we'll see how it goes. I think my boss really doesn't want me to get it, which I can't blame him because I pretty much run the department I currently work in and it will be very tough on him if I leave it. But I also know he would be very supportive of me and give me a good recommendation, I would expect no less, seeings as he's an alcoholic and I've covered for him numerous times. But thats a whole nother story in itself. I just feel I need a new challenge as far as work is concerned, I have been in this same position for over 10yrs. and I'm ready for a change. It's scary though. It's funny because so far this week I've been really dressing professional for work and the people that see me are curious I know, it's not normal for me to dress up. I've gotten a ton of compliments, which you can never get too many. Heeeheee, I actually am enjoying it.

On another note:
Happy Wednesday!!
Everything seems to be moving along well. The girls are willingly, for now, getting up in the morning and going to school, mind you it's only the 3rd day back, but life is good. I'm glad school is back in session, I enjoy the routine much better.


alli-gal said...

Wow....good luck in getting the new position.

I know this has nothing to do with your post, but I had SOOOO much fun this weekend!!!! Can't wait to hang out with you guys again at Hookahville in less than two weeks!!!!!