Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Hookahville 27 pics.........

There you go... just wanted to put up some pics from the weekend. It was an absolutely awesome time. I had so much fun.

~~ Hookahville 27 ~~

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


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8 more days................

I'm really starting to get excited about hookahville, me and hubby have been making all our plans, and getting prepared. How convenient for us that on that Thursday (May 24th) is the kids last day of school. So once they are on the school bus we are headed to Ohio. My mother-in-law will be getting them off the bus that afternoon, no I'm not just leaving them to fend for theirselves. We should get there in the afternoon sometime so we'll be all set up by the evening, which is perfect because there is a band called Freekbase playing from 10pm-12pm thursday night that I'd like to check out.
Ok and on another note as I said before my daughter has already quit her job, I knew it would be way to much for her to handle. Even though she is 16 she is quite immature. I don't think she's ready to grow up, unfortunately I have babied my kids for ever and now I have to pay the price. Oh well maybe one day. Welp I better get back to work so I'll write more later.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


I've got a few minutes and a couple of things to write about.
I got my Hookahville tickets yesterday in the mail. I am soooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!
Then when I got home it must be a miracle my daughter finally got a job. Her first job I can't hardly believe she is a working girl. She is working at Little Ceaser's Pizza place. Last night was her first night. I don't see this lasting too long though they gave her her schedule and I could hardly believe it, they have her working everyday except Wednesday and Sunday. I think that may be a bit much for my spoiled rotten princess not to mention how will she ever keep tabs on her boyfriend, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she stays with it for awhile.

I'm not sure if anyone has caught the news lately but my work has been on there. OH so scandalious:
The headlines read:
Cheating scandal snares nearly half of IU dental class

Nearly half the students in the Indiana University School of Dentistry's second-year class have been disciplined for their roles in a cheating scandal in which students broke into password-protected files to view exam material before tests.
Cheating students took advantage of e-mails that professors sent a few days before tests, administrators said. Those messages contained password-protected images, such as X-rays, that were part of the exams.
Another student brought the cheating to the attention of school officials in late February. The school then conducted a two-month investigation that resulted in Friday's decisions, which the students have five days to appeal.
The school's Faculty Council voted Friday to dismiss nine of the students, suspend 16 for periods ranging from three to 24 months and issue letters of reprimand to 21 students for violating the school's professional conduct code. The class has 95 students.

So yeah it's been a really hectic week already and it's only Tuesday, the media is roaming around like vultures. I just came in from a cigarette break and I'll be damned if the Fox 59 van didn't just pull up, Channel 8 and 13 were here yesterday so it was just a matter of time. I kinda feel sorry for the students it is very humilating. I have been really busy clearing out our seniors for graduation on Mother's Day and now with all this, the tension is pretty thick around here.
Ok so maybe I'll have more to talk about later.