Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Ben Davis JV cheerleading.....

I had a very exciting week last week and it still doesn't end. It all started on last Tuesday I had to go to the Hendricks county fair for my Ryanne's cheerleading competition, it was sooooo great. This was the first time I got to see her routine because she wanted to suprise me with it. She did really good she hit all her tumbling and all her builds I was overjoyed. They placed first at this competition.
Then it continued on Thursday the competition was at the Boone County Fair here they placed third. And then we went to the Marion County Fair on Saturday and they placed second there. Tonight we have the Morgan County fair I am really excited about it because my sister and all her family will be going to this one. YEAH..... Wish us Luck, and I'll let you know how we did. Although this is not the end.... She will be competing at the State Fair August the 18th (yikes this is Jester Fest) Oh well I wouldn't miss her competition and I am sure it will be in the morning like around 11am so we'll still be able to go to Jester Fest.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Weight Watchers........

Ok so I'm really proud of myself, I've been going to weight watchers and I am doing really well this time, I say that because I've been going on and off for probably a couple of years, but I keep falling off the wagon. Which is so frustrating. Losing weight has got to be one of the hardest things to do. But anyway in the last 3 weeks I've lost 6lbs. which is 2lbs a week. That is suppose to be the best way to lose (2lbs a week that is) they say it's more likely to stay off that way. My total weight loss so far is at 14.4 lbs. I'm so excited and I just wanted to share. I'll keep you posted. My goal is to be down about 15 more lbs. by fall Hookahville. So that I'll have lost a total of 30lbs. by then. Hubby's been working on his too, but he doesn't so much keep track like I do. So wish me luck and I'll keep you posted.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Feeling much better

I had a really good weekend. Friday night we went to play cards at my brother in laws house and I won, both games hehe. I can't wait to try to play in a tournament. I'm thinking I might check out the tournament in my husbands bosses bar. It's free to play, but the winner could take home $250.00. I'd like to see how I do against people I've never played with.
Saturday me and Dave were bored so we decided to check out german park, there is a festival coming up (Jester Fest) that Ekoostik Hookah will be at along with Max Allen Band and Ekostik Flyer. It's not far from our house and I have never been there. So we went and you have to pay $3.00 to get in and it's a really neat place. They have all this german food and really cheap beer. The crowd was majority elderly people but boy could they shake their tails I was really impressed, I now want to learn the polka, it looked like a lot of fun so I'll be going back there just to try. When we left there we went to a place called Champs to see the Max Allen Band play. They are really good.

Friday, July 13, 2007

sitting at work.....

feeling kinda blue today and I can't seem to get out of this funk. I'm thinking I may contact the doc about getting put on some sort of antidepressant. Am I the only mother that lets my ungrateful teenagers dictate my mood? hummmmm.....
My stupid x-husband picked up MY girls yesterday and he took them shopping, he's really making me look bad and it's pissing me off. Let me explain, last week to my total suprise he showed up at my door to give me some money, which he hasn't done in forever, he owes a ton of back child support. He gave me $40.00 which I put $20. in the gas tank and took the other $20. to the grocery store. He called the girls and told them he gave me money for them. So my oldest gets a attitude with me and wants some of the money since he's given them the impression that I was suppose to give them some. Which totally pisses me off seeings as me and Dave pay for everything for them, braces, doc. visits, school clothes, school supplies, cheerleading, everything. But kids don't actually understand that. You have to actually hand them money or buy them something for them to feel it's being spent on them. So as if this wasn't enough he turns around and takes them shopping last night. So he is looking like the shit right now, while I'm stressing about getting ready to have to buy school clothes in the next couple of weeks. And to top everything off ~~ his stupid girlfriend is pregnant. That is absolutely great. I can probably forget the hope that one day I might receive some child support forever now. Not to mention for the past 6 years he has broken my kids hearts and basically hasn't done shit for them. He should not be allowed to have anymore kids. It totally pisses me off.
So anyway Aerial is still with the creep that I told you they broke up, well their back together UGH! I really hope that doesn't last much longer. Aerial has also found another job. Hopefully she'll stick with this one. She just got hired today. And Ryanne will be marching in the Thanksgiving Macy's Day parade. I am so proud of her. She made the UCA All-Stars. So everybody watch for her to be on TV thanksgiving.
I just needed to vent so maybe I will feel alittle better.

Monday, July 2, 2007

I'm happy.......

because my daughter finally broke up with the BIG LOSER she was going with. YEAH.... hopefully I'm not getting all excited and they end up back together. She has been dating him for a little over a year now and I don't like him at all. It's kinda sad though cuz she feels like she loves him, you know that "first love" thing. So she's pretty upset right now.
I had an absolutely awesome weekend this past weekend my friend Allison came and got me and Dave on Friday and we all took off for a Hookah show in OHIO. We had alot of fun and they had a killer song list on Friday. Then we came back to IN to pick up Ryan and went back to OHIO for another show on Sat. unfortunately we had no clue had long it would take to get there on Sat. and we ended up missing the whole first set. But it's alright we got the second set. Here are some pics I'm really proud of the pics I got with the band members once again.