Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Labor Day was pretty fun me and Dave went over to Liz's mom's house so they could make a couple cornhole games. While me and Liz lumped around Dave and Matt went to Lowe's to get some wood. Kroger had 18packs of Bud Light on sale for $9.00 so they had to stop there and get some. While in line they ran into some Hookahheads named Derek and Jenny that said they had just got through making some cornhole games and had plenty of corn left over. So they gave them their leftover corn. I thought that was really nice and come to find out they live right down the street from Matt. So Allison they may be at Matt's party, pretty cool huh?


alli-gal said...

That's probably jenni and Derek've met them plenty of times before....and yes, they do live on that side of Indy!!!

Is Matt and Liz's party still gonna be the last weekend of September???? I'm excited to hang out again. it's only been a couple days, and I miss you already!!!!!

alli-gal said...

I can't believe you guys went out and made corn hole games already....isn't it fun!?!?!?!? Is Matt making the bean bags in that picture?!?

KellyAnn said...

yes we thought that was hilarious seeing him sewing had to get a picture of it, and yeah his party is the end of this month